Wednesday, March 17, 2010

~ The Woody

Salam alaikum,

Sometimes I so feel like that woodpecker Seth talks about in The Dip; tapping on a thousand trees..staying busy but getting nowhere :/

He quotes on a starving woodpecker like so;

"A woodpecker can tap twenty times on a thousand trees and get nowhere, but stay busy. Or he can tap twenty thousand times on one tree and get dinner."
Lets see now, where to place the blame for this incessant inability in persistence :p
ahaa yes..
I think part of it is to be blamed on multitasking.
The F-state to be precise.

E.Hallowell coined two great terms in his work Crazy Busy;
C-state and F-state.

C-state is clear, calm, cool, collected, consistent, concentrated, convivial, careful, curious, creative, courteous, and coordinated.

F-state fractures focus, is frenzied, feckless, flailing, fearful, forgetful, flustered, furious, fractious, feverish, and frantic.

Pretty neat, init?

So, multitasking leads to F-state and activates different parts of the brain than C-state.
Just giving F-state a name and being aware of it helps to back out of it.

Countless articles tell a tale how multitasking makes us..

..less efficient — we’re not as good at multitasking as we suppose we would.
But here is a brand new criticism; multitasking makes us shallow too. (by 'us' read men :p)

"If you don’t want to sink, you learn to surf; you have to. You learn how to go fast, but smooth, through a huge amount of stuff — at work, at home, in the store, in the street. Multitasking means learning how to double back and reshuffle at the least hint of resistance, it means missing most of what goes on around you but learning not to regret it because nothing is that much more valuable than anything else, it means learning how to coast through meetings on zero information .. You are compensated for the loss of buffers and boundaries built into the old real world of separated times and spaces, by an overall muffling of experience in general.."
From Mediated by T.D.Zengotita.

Well, i guess now here is something of a feminine domain we simply can't win over.
and neither should we try.
Hands down..
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