Tuesday, March 09, 2010

~ Thin line between Calm & Panic

Asalam alaikum,

At times it so happens that we get besieged by situations seeminlgy taking control over us.

Thoughts are overwhelmed by fear, senses numbed, and actions simply falling apart.

This can happen virtually any where, any time, & at any place; a small unexpected event can trigger a surge of fear inside us, and if not addressed properly could precipitate a panic attack.

A tough question from the audience and phoof! all the points to present are gone!
An unforced error, and suddenly the seasoned player starts acting like a novice!

A slight variation in waves and the experienced swimmer finds himself haplessly helpless, a few poor performances and the batsman looses his touch.

A famous tennis star who just won her first set with a 40-love & a triple set point; a small unforced error took the best of her & she got so overwhelmed that there followed a trail of errors & the situation worsened till her defeat.
Panic reduced a giant of tennis star into a naive novice.

A world champion swimmer once got caught in the current just as he swam beyond the surf, he found himself being pulled out into the sea & started fighting the water..
It was then he realized recalling the basic rule that if he keeps his calm he could just float..
& he did exactly that saving his energies & ultimately his life..

Sometimes life's testing tides are to be kept as such.. just let them pass, keeping your calm & your patience.

Once the panic sets in, therez only Allah's help to bring you back.

In testing times just bank_on_the_instincts and move_back_to_basics.

Basic idea of the subject in question will give a clue to the presenter stuck with blanks.

Well, easier said than done.. specially when i've to conduct & present a mind storming 4 hour long bla bla tomorrow.


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