Friday, April 30, 2010

~ My Miscellany..

Salam alaikum,



Big things come in small packets..
awesome transformation!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Asalam alaikum,

Sitting in marriot conference hall, attending international symposium on cancer research (on earnest pestering insistence of my consort), getting virtually wounded by bro @yousaf who'se imploring me to get back to my office ASAP owing to a visit from TIC guys.

What's that makes the Technical_Innovation_Center people special?
Well, pretty much everything from boost in our salaries to a whole advancement in our work-place to a new housing-scheme (perhaps i get to stay there), to a whole new technology park, so on & so forth.

Not that my current work-place ain't comfortable enough, competent or equipped enough...

Its just that once our researcher-team gets to get selected in this nation-wide selection & competition_for_excellence, we'll get a chance to implore a whole new world & new technological horizons.

For the past couple of weeks, i was busy scribbling down a 100-page report & preparing some slides for these guys. Its interesting when you get into the writing business as a researcher, your writing will & skill blooms (just like anyother thing you spend much of your time on, for that matter.) - which explains the reason behind creativity (complexity?) of prose, peeps have been asking about.

TIC Lab view;

The nation-wide lucky guy(s) or research teams will be chosen next week.
Lets see how it turns out to be.
May Allah make them decide whatever is beneficial for us all.


Monday, April 26, 2010


Salam alaikum warahmatuLLAh,

My life un-plugged is quite a life (& all praises to Allah), but ever since i've gone all MBA (& no it ain't the one you're thinking :p), i had to tweak few things here & there before i was all good to go.

The experience is nothing short of epic (as of today), & the calis' & chinese have got another satisfied customer, so to speak.

After migrating all my data from dell (served me well, so i won't call it a dell-hell) & selling the old granny off (RIP), i updated software on the new machine, calibrated display etc etc & then went on with the tweaking process.

Here is list of things i installed & troubleshoots i ran;

  • Right Zoom - Full screen zooms
  • MacPar Deluxe - unRars the Rars
  • TextEdit - so far so good.
  • Coolbook - so far so cool; a cooling software improves mba's battery life.
  • Chrome - pre-installed safari is all good, but a backup browser would do just fine.
  • Google_voice_video_plugin
  • Skype
  • Configured iChat - along with some other customizable configurations. on & so forth.

As for the troubles & troubleshoots, well they do come handy in gizmos (& everyone of 'em has a fair share of those);
The airport (wifi) kept disconnecting every once in a while, causing much discomfort at this end.
I tried running network diagnostics, playing around with network preferences all for nada though.
I was left with lil option than to change my fully functional STC's WPA-router to that of WPA2 one (as i read someone suggesting in troubleshoot forums).

Disgruntled by the mba's continuos connection-hiccups, I called bros at STC in middle of the night & asked them for a new upgraded router.
At about 8 am next morning, the technician was at my doorstep with a brand new router.
He set it up & when i asked him for router charges said; "No Sir, its free."
When i tried returning him the older (functioning) one, he said since i got it as part of initial installation-package its all mine too.

New one looks pretty much like a snap-frame;

AlhamduliLLAh, thereafter the mba's ariport din't hitch at all, & is soaring pretty smooth on a swift connection.

Btw, news is that these guys are responsible for the arranged-marriage of geeky technology with stylish aesthetic-sense.

Check out;

Look closer;

And closer.. some more;

Its a vase.. its a flower.. its a .. naaah!
[what did u think?]

Its a Router / Modem, with artificial flowers (& not the real ones) as antennas blooming out.


Just wondering out loud when this will be out.. since i'd sure love to try one [provided its for free too :D haha].


Thursday, April 22, 2010

~ Math Mood

Asalam alaikum,

Its raining cats & dogs here..
And while people are fancying to eat pakoras.. i'm getting an all math-mood.

Every once in a while, i feel like touching mathly subjects of interest to me.. even if it sounds or smells like blaah to anyone among my regular readers..
n I wonder why but lately this word blaah reminds me of;

cool expression.. eh?

Here are few things you didn't know about linear algebra..
[excuse me if you did already]
  1. The heart of Google is an enormous linear algebra problem. PageRank is essentially an eigenvalue problem.
  2. Many practical problems — optimization, differential equations, signal processing, etc. — boil down to solving linear systems, even when the original problems are non-linear.
  3. Practical applications often require solving enormous systems of equations, millions or even billions of variables.
  4. A system of a million equations can sometimes be solved on an ordinary PC in under a millisecond, depending on the structure of the equations.
  5. Iterative methods, methods that in theory require an infinite number of steps to solve a problem, are often faster and more accurate than direct methods, methods that in theory produce an exact answer in a finite number of steps.
  6. There are many theorems bounding the error in solutions produced on real computers. That is, the theorems don’t just bound the error from hypothetical calculations carried out in exact arithmetic but bound the error from arithmetic as carried out in floating point arithmetic on computer hardware.
  7. There is remarkably mature software for numerical linear algebra. People have worked on this software for many years.

And if you're interested enough in the subject, then surely you'll find these suggested reads beneficial -

Linear algebra book - easy to read and has a good mix of theory and application.
Applied Numerical Linear Algebra - that is if you want to jump into numerical linear algebra, at all.
Matrix Calculations - classic.

And this video too;

Watch it on Academic Earth

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

~ Yawn

Salam alaikum,

Being a busy person does hinder one to delve deep into social matters at home or otherwise.
Nonetheless, it doesn't hamper one's observation altogether.

At these testing & kinda tug_of_war times on the globo-politico-sphere (& blogo-sphere), one gets particularly bemused at the common denominator & rampant redundant equations when one lends an ear to the (so called) voices of change.

Exceptions do exist - & naturally so - but generally speaking the common pattern is that the group of people most concerned/ outspoken/ going_out_of_their_way (& trousers for that matter) against establishment of Islam as_a_way_of_life & segregation are mostly expatriate christians, usually white blondes (married to rich saudi men), & almost always belonging to some village (or what's_its_name city) of far west.

The locals that join in the not_so_melodious noise band-wagon are mostly shias, usually disgruntled dissatisfied west-impressed youth, occasionally women.

interesting init?
yeah, you bet.

AlhamduliLLAh, I've traveled round the world (except for the far west ofocurse) & frankly enough whenever I go around any foreign country, I respect it's laws / taxes / people and never criticize their way_of_life or mock n make fun of them or their women's dressing yadayada, since I'm only a guest in that country.
And if I feel uncomfortable, I leave.. simple.

I can't simply fathom what's the dual-faced problematic hoopla all about?

Saudia this Saudia that !
Free-dom this Free-dom that.. blah blah yada yada .. yawn.

A befitting response would be - as someone rightly quoted;
"Westerners - get over it. Nobody ever died from gender segregation. Live with it or leave it."

Yeah, get over it already !
Yet as it seems, it takes a while for the poor lil cry_baby to grow up, after all.

I, for one, won't be insecure or even surprised if tomorrow people here go all co-ed, co-work, co-spa err.. co-sports, so on & so forth.
I mean, heck, even the Ottoman Caliphate degenerated into a miserable wimpy mundane mess.

But I won't, for a second, bi*ch about if the journey down the gravity hill ain't swift enough or smooth enough, as per "my" calculations or "my" estimation "my" whims or "my" criteria or "my" definition of human rights or "my" understanding of how certain people should act.

That's the difference - i hope - that sets me apart from whiners, as a mentally & spiritually stable well-focused (doc?) dude.

That said -
Seriously, plz get a life.. (& a real job in this country perhaps, besides wasting hours online regurgitating nauseating theories & remedies.)

And leave Muslim matters to us Muslims.. (its not like we owe you something or need your brains/ assistance/ culture/ your religion to figure things out here.)

Thank you & Good night.


A Day Into The Life Of A Muslim Wife In Saudi Arabia; (part1)

And part 2


Monday, April 19, 2010

~ 3 News bits

Asalam alaikum,

I have 3 news bits infront of me..

One is dated 11th apr, which goes something like this (& my.. its such a big 3 lined headline in the paper);

Oh boy oh boy!
59 this time?? !!
What an achievement !!

The casualty count is misreported though, as we'll see shortly inshAllah.
Also notice the emotionally charged tone of media; as in labeling & dismissing the outcry of political figures of tribes as a mere 'ilzaam' in the headline (& its almost hysterical haste to label all the slain as 'dehshat-gurd').

I've another bit infornt of me dated 18th apr.
This one goes something like this (a pretty small wee-size blot on the front page of paper);

Too bad the paid mercenaries hit their own "paid" jirga people.. & then hit the rescue teams too..
For the shame !

Reminds me of recent Iraq vid where rescue people were hit along with the kids van.. with kids inside!

I wonder though what happened to the kids of these slain tribal bread-winners & head-figures of their respective families?
Did they go all revengeful to avenge the blood of their fathers?

I've yet another news bit of the same date when this lil so-called small apology was made, which looks something like this (a big 3 lined headline);

tsk tsk..
& then we wonder why we are such losers & so insecure in our very homes?

41 *shaheed* ?! ..
like for real?
yeah sure, but what about the tribes-men who were 'marey gaye' & by default 'dehshat-gard' etc etc??
Answer is;
one is thought to be human.. other is dismissed & being treated as sub-human for the sake of... peanuts.

Thankyou sipah_salar_e_azaam (sic) for making us all the more secure & protected in our own provinces.
Thankyou for your 7 (long) days late apology.. (but then better late than never, init?)
Atleast it finally occurred to you that your over-ambitious, blood-thirsty lives-preserving (?) jawaans were blind all-seeing enough to differentiate sajjan from dushman..

Oh thankyou thankyou.. & now plz i feel like kissing your hand your excellency (not) !

May Allah rid us from such oppressors..
& give us hidayah & heal us from our wrapped_up_mentalities to shoot our own foot & then cry a river to the nations around... for peanuts (again).

sigh.. what have we (de)generated into?


Friday, April 16, 2010

~ T.V vs T.B

Salam alaikum warahmatuLLAh,

just sharing some wise words from a fellow bro;

Bismillah-hir-rahmaan-nirahim (In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful).

"And whoever fears Allah He will make him a way out. And will give him provision in such a manner he cannot anticipate. And whoever relies on Allah He suffices him."
[Surah 65 Ayat 2-3]

About Me:

Aslamualaikum to all the muslims and greetings to the non-muslims, welcome to my space.

I was born in the 1980s and have lived in England all my life.
I am a university graduate and I have a degree in Computer Science. Ask me anything you like about computers. Chances are I won't know the answer but I'll make up something to convince you that I do :p

I am a muslim (alhamdulillah) and have recently started practising my religion. It has given me the happiness, peace and tranquility that I have been craving for all my life.

I am often left annoyed and frustrated by various groups (media, evil armies who murder innocent people, politicians etc) who are out to misrepresent my religion and try to give it a bad name. I get particularly annoyed when quranic verses are distorted and misquoted, fake 'islamic experts' are interviewed by the media to give this beautiful religion a bad name. The so-called 'islamic experts' are often people who look like a muslim but are not (e.g. arab christian or arab jew or even an atheist wearing a turban!) being interviewed to talk about Islam. It is for this reason that I have decided to make this space, to help educate non-muslims about Islam. Hopefully by working together and showing justice and understanding, we can do our bit to bring peace and order to this increasingly chaotic world.

As well as non-muslims, I also hope to learn from and to educate muslims about Islam. Insha-Allah by working together, we can increase our imaan and solve all our problems with the help of Allah.

I am completely against women being forced to wear the Niqab. In the same way I am completely against women being forced to REMOVE the hijab. From my personal point of view, no woman is more beautiful than a muslim woman who wears a hijab. I pray to Allah that He gives all my muslim brothers a pious wife who is secure in herself to cover her face & body from other men. What could give a man more satisfaction than knowing that his wife's beauty is only for his eyes. Will that not guarantee a man's loyalty? I am convinced it will. Secondly, if a woman is wearing a short skirt and kissing other men who are "just friends", how is a man supposed to respect and be faithful to that woman? Just does not make sense to me. Also another point is that men must be loyal and lower their gaze and not flirt with the opposite sex either. Just my opinion, you don't have to agree! Whenever I see a woman who covers herself, instantly my heart is filled with respect for that woman and no bad thoughts come into my mind. On the other hand, if I see a woman who is walking half naked down the street, how can I not look at her or think about her in a bad way? In my opinion, the women's liberation in the west is just a form of manipulation and degradation in the guise of liberating and making them independent. What is so liberating about a woman having to wax her legs, go to gym, have breast enlargement operations just to impress strangers and even people she does not like. Somebody please explain to me because it's not making sense. Some celebrities are adopting children to keep fit and maintain their figures. Why? To impress me and you? They adopt and do not have their own children to impress me? Lol why? It's kinda funny and sorta stupid.

I also want to remind my muslim brothers: respect your wives. Cherish them. They are a gift and blessing from Allah. Love them, always respect them, never shout at them, never hit them, always make time for them. Treat them, buy them gifts, be romantic to them. Flowers, chocolates, whatever it takes do it. Keep them happy. Do it today, do something special today. Help them with the housework. That's a REAL man. I'm also reminding myself too, so don't think I am lecturing! Love your children, teach them good manners. Teach them how to enjoy life and be confident and to be happy. Educate them and teach them about Deen. It's your duty boys, remember that!

Islam teaches us to respect and honour women. I often read comments from non-muslims saying 'Islam oppresses women, you dnt respect women blah blah blah'. When I click on the profiles of the commenters who are 'defending womens' rights', I often find videos such as 'Girl in bra shaking it' and 'Russian teen sisters mudwrestling' in their favourites. You call THAT 'respect and freedom'? yeah right !
The hypocrisy is there for all to see. But don't take my word for it. Next time you see a comment, click on the persons profile, you might get surprised by what you see.


Right well, I love going out to the park, places of natural beauty. I love eating at restaurants and enjoy takeaway food (I love chicken, don't think I could live without it). I love talking and socialising as long as the conversation is good. I could talk for a whole week non-stop if I happen to meet an interesting person. I love meeting intelligent people who are educated and have good manners. I hate people who lie and have poor manners, really annoys me. I love travelling and hope to travel more in the near future insha-Allah. I used to love working out but have not done so for over a year now. Sometimes I enjoy taking naps, especially in the summer oooooh satisfying love it lol. Love chilling, but then who doesn't?


I tend not to watch television since I am dissapointed with the way it is corrupting society..

 For example, WWE, the wrestling .. they had a match between two women. The winner is the one who removes the others clothes down to her underwear. Now why would I want to watch that?

Sex and the city ... teaching women to become prostitutes in the guise of being 'independent and liberated'? Nope, no thanks, not for me. 

But seriously all I see on TV is people getting killed to make me feel depressed, naked women so I lose respect for women and think about them as sexual objects and celebrities with huge mansions so I become ungrateful for what Allah has blessed me with. Everywhere you look, celebrities celebrities celebrities. Fame, money, bling bling. Looks good on the outside, but is it really? If it was then would Britney Spears and Lyndsey Lohan always be in Rehab? Would they always be on drugs to escape reality? That's all I need to say on that one.
There are shows called 'Wife Swap'? 'Wife swap' serious! CRAZY! Why would I want to watch that??

And on TV, even if something good is on, for example I like football, then you have the inappropriate advertisements. Advertisements of toilet paper with a naked woman, advertisements of shaving foam and they show a man's butt. Completely uncalled for! Shows like Jerry Springer and all the other talk shows, showing the worst of society to set people a bad example. It influences us all. We might not realise it but it does. It is for this reason that I avoid TV whenever possible. The media is being used to strip away Islam and peace from peoples' lives by corrupting them. It is taking away everything good from non-western cultures and replacing them with filth from the west by glamourising it. You're not fooling me, I've switched off & unplugged and won't let anybody ruin nor dictate my life. I watch PeaceTv sometimes, especially if Hussain Ye is lecturing, he is very humble and intelligent masha-Allah.


I try to avoid music whenever possible since I have noticed it weakens my imaan. I have also noticed that it makes me daydream and start feeling false emotions that I am really not feeling. I prefer to listen to the quran and my favourite reciter is Abdul Basit. Listen to the first video in my Quranic Recitations playlist, you'll know what I mean.


Quran, hadeeth. I keep in touch with the news, but not too much since it can get depressing. What else do I read, umm don't really like reading unless I have to. I'll read your comments and your messages though, so feel free to send me your messages and thoughts. If you love Islam or want to learn more about the religion, you can add me as a friend.
Peace! SubhaanAllah, Alhamdulillah, Allahuakbar.


The more I learn about Islam the more I fall in love. When a person turns towards Allah and seeks knowledge, Allah guides that person. Make a start with your intention.

Always stay paak (clean and pure). because Allah likes those who are clean and pure.

If you are single, try to get married. Marriage completes half of your Deen. If you are unable to get married, keep voluntary fasts (fast every other day). Fasting will help you control your desires? and help improve your character insha-Allah. Do not? degrade yourself by dating. If you are married remember to always treat your wife with kindness. For the sisters: love your husband, guard your beauty and charm for your husband's eyes exclusively and raise the next generation of beautiful children with islamic knowledge and values.

Dont eat too much, limit how much you eat. Eat small meals spread throughout the day. This will help you to look better, feel healthier and help improve your character insha-Allah.

Thank Allah for all you have,? the more grateful you are, the more Allah will give you insha-Allah. Give charity, whatever you have even if it is just one dollar.

I had everything in life alhamdulillah. But I was never happy, something was always missing. I started to think about things in detail, just sit down and contemplate.

I started to think about why I was here. I started to think about how the sun rises daily, then the day becomes night and night becomes day. At sunset time I watch how it gets dark with fascination, I even do it to this day. I knew Allah is doing this. I used to look at the sun and my eyes would hurt. I would think, I can't even look at the sun, it's so powerful. If the sun was closer it would burn us all, it is at the perfect distance. I would think about how humans are created from a dirty fluid, yet we turn out so beautiful and unique. I would get a cut on my hand and watch it heal itself. I would think about water, how we all need it. Yet it falls from the sky. All these are signs of Allah. I thought about all of these things. I contemplated about these things and it made me want to learn about Allah. Try to think about the things I mentioned.

I also observe people. I see married women at work, they kiss/hug other men etc. I do not want my wife doing this. Guys film down women's tops secretly on their phones and then show to all their friends. Things like this disgust me. When a decent woman covers herself, people look at her as if she is a freak, whereas when women wear such clothes that expose their nudity, people think it is cool. That is weird and wrong. Media has brainwashed us all. There are many examples like this. When a man respects and loves his mother, the media try to laugh at it and call people mummys' boys. What kind of rubbish is that? In Islam we are taught that a mother deserves the most love. Don't fall into the trap. Don't be a blind sheep like everyone else. Stand up for the truth. Be a leader, become an example. Be good and be proud of it. Alhamdullilah.

I hope to have children one day insha-Allah and I used to think, what if tomorrow my son came home from school and said "Dad I'm gay!" Or what if my son came home from school drunk?? Or what if my daughter turned 18 and wanted to star in an adult movie? Astaghfirullah! may Allah protect us from all evil. I thought about who I learnt about Islam from, it were my parents. I grew up watching them pray and prayed with them. Now tomorrow if I have kids and I am not praying, will my kids pray? If I do not teach my children about Islam then I cannot shout at them if they are gay or if they do bad stuff. So this is why I started to learn about Islam, to protect myself and my future children. If you have children or want to have children in the future, remember when that child enters this world, he/she will not know anything, you will have to teach that child everything. That should be our motivation, to save ourself from Hell fire and to save our beautiful children, friends and family.

My advice to you would be that you read the quran with translation and more importantly the tafseer (commentary). The tafseer is important since it explains things that are complicated. All you have to do is read 5 lines a day, that is all. If you can't read 5 lines, just read 3 daily. But do it daily, make it a habit. Insha-Allah day by day your knowledge about Deen will increase.

Other than the quran, read hadeeth and books about afterlife. Read islamic books and watch Islamic videos on YouTube. On my channel I have many videos, feel free to browse them, there is a lot of knowledge in them. Learn about Islam, then use 'Windows movie maker' or any other software to make a video to share your knowledge with others.

Always remember not to make religion a burden. If you make it a burden, then you will run away from it. Do as much as you can, even if you can only read an islamic book for 5 minutes, then read for 5 minutes only. Don't force yourself. Make it easy for yourself.
Remember Islam is here to make your life easy, not to make it difficult.

Try to always read your 5 prayers on time. If you currently read 0, then start reading 1.
Keep reading 1 then move to 2. If you currently read 2 prayers, then try to read 3 etc. Build it up slowly. But start today, do not delay. A trick of the shaitaan is to make us think "i'll do this tomorrow" and then when tomorrow comes.. he makes us forget. No do it today, don't let the shaitaan trick you.

Another thing I would recommend (if possible) is to go to Saudi Arabia with your family for Hajj / pilgrimage.

Allah knows what is best for us. If a small baby asks for a knife to play with, would you give the baby the knife? The baby will cry and cry asking for the knife but you won't give it because you know that it is bad for the baby. In the same way, Allah knows things like alchohol, drugs, dating etc are bad for us so he has forbidden them.

I feel it is a bad influence and is corrupting and demoralising us all. Try to limit how much and what you watch.

Follow the sunnah (the way of the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h). I have an entire playlist with sunnats of the Prophet Muhammad (P.b.u.h). By following the sunnah you will get the best of this life and the hereafter. Dont let shaitaan (devil) trick you into thinking that? if you follow islam you get the afterlife but nothing in this world. This is a huge trick of the shaitaan (devil). If you follow Islam, you will get the best in this world AND the hereafter. Keep praying to Allah that He guides you. May Allah bless you and me and the entire ummah. Ameen.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

~ Finally..

Salam alaikum warahmatuLLAh,

Over the past couple of months i grew so very weary of 'theses' word, that i wanted to scratch it out from peep's vocabulary.

But that would've been pretty much an exercise_in_futile, since mothers & spouses have extraordinary memory (& vocabulary).

Today, after submitting it finally (for iterations & acceptance) i can safely exhale a sigh of relief..
After doing my part, I've left the rest to Allah..
& I guess i can relax now.. alhamduliLLAh.

I feel like going out for swinging while standing on the swing-seat, blowing bubbles & what not.

..I guess, im just too overwhelmed & should go take a nap instead.

But before i get going, i need to say jazakAllah khair to everyone.. specially my family for supporting me, bearing up with me & praying for me over the years.. & also to my brother-some friends.

JazakAllah khairan ahsan al jaza..


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

~ Dr. Israr Ahmed (rahimuhuLLAH)

Salam alaikum warahmatuLLAh,

I don't consider myself to hold any significance when it comes to his eulogy.. much less over here, & far less on this lil online scribble of mine..

But ever since yesterday, something somewhere was lingering ..impelling me to write about the voice that taught Quran for the past 60 years, & my father.. infact my grandfather too, used to go attend his halaqah of Quran..

The voice never trembled & seldom went quiet.. & inshAllah will never die out.

Aside from making an utmost dua, I can't say if he is among the people of illiyeen or Firdaus or will indeed go to heaven etc [sheesh! i can't even say this for myself or my loved ones for that matter :/ ], since its not my place to judge or to have any say, whatsoever.

All i can say, however, is what beloved Rasool Allah (salaLLAhu alehi wa alihi wassalam) said, narrated in Sahih al Bukhari;

Noble Companion Uthman bin `Affan (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (salaLLahu alehi wa alihi wassalam) said;

"The best amongst you is the one who learns the Qur'an and teaches it."

The numerous perils pakis are in, right now as we speak; are hard to hold for math's sake.
Nonetheless, the stance was clear when his locality & his place was hit hard with disaster on March 8th 2010.
>> Download to watch Video.

Its some 10 mins video - but if you're on a time crunch listen from 6 min onwards.

* Such an ahsan Gumaan he had with his fellow brothers..
[a good reminder for quick_in_blame_game folks, to hold on their hissy horses & get a lil less indoctrinated by zaid's broad brushed allegations.]

And if you ain't busy enough [even if you are..still] take some time out to listen to his last Khutbaa Jum'a Here;

& his Last public speech Here;

Its but amazing that his last Khutbah of his last Juma'h on this earth, was on 1st Surah of Quran.. & that too its 1st Ayah..

Its been 24 hours since my cell buzzed up for news of his passing..
It was Tahajjud time here & Fajer time there..

Just before the Dawn broke here & people got going for Fajer Namaz.. behind teary eyes a shining thought struck somewhere;
'It dawns first over there in pak ... before it even dawns here! '

Yaa Raab! your slave Israr Ahmed believed in peace through Khilafat there... & tranquility & prosperity.. Your slave migrated on foot.. eating drinking scant for 20 days straight, to cross that blood-border along with million others with a gleam of dream still strong.. somewhere.

Accept his work.. his Duas.. him!

And before i get all overwhelmed again [which is a good thing though if followed by good deeds], i wind this post up with a dua;

"May Allah bless him with Jannat ul Firdaus.. & enable us to follow the teachings of Quran & Sunnah & establish the Quran & Sunnah as supreme law, in our individual & collective lives."


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

~ Emotional Quotient

Asalam alaikum,

Speaking of IQ - intelligence quotient that is - men are usually intellectually_intelligent but low on emotional_intelligence.

Ladies on the other hand, tend to depict reverse_transformation of the above mentioned equation..
(not that im saying they are low on intellectual intelligence.. heck nooo!)

That said, it comes as a relief that I ain't alone in the wide world..
.. i suppose :p


Monday, April 12, 2010

~ Let it Rain

Salam alaikum,

Ever since it rained, i was itching to change the layout here.
Here goes nothing..
[might as well change it back if i feel like it]

Oh & before the clouds came drenching here, it rained in Beloved's city first (salaLLAhu alehi wa alihi wassalam); Madinah Munawwarah..

I hope these clouds came all the way from there :]

salaLLAhu alehi wa alihi wassalam


Sunday, April 11, 2010

~ Keep it simple, Silly! [kiss :p]

Asalam alaikum,

People ask me simple questions.. so overwhelmingly simple that i get all overwhelmed answering them..
Hence i've formulated the following for the ease of it all;

How to tell your Grand Mother what are Adaptive Filters?

Problem Statement: There are two pots of soup placed side by side. There are some spices that are added in one of the pots, the other one has none.
How is it possible to add exactly the same amount of spices?
Since this setup is imaginary enough, therefore it is assumed that the spices can be added or subtracted from the pot. It can be safely assumed that all spices contained within, can be quantified in terms of tea spoons and only integer number of tea spoons are allowed.

Solution: Here are the steps for one of the possible ways of doing it.
1. Add/subtract tea spoon(s) of spices,
2. Taste both soups,
3. Judge which spices are missing, or which are extra, then goto step 1.

These three steps are exactly followed in an Adaptive Filter algorithm.
Lets get into a bit of a detail here;

We can fix the number of tea spoons that can be added or subtracted. To wit; always 5 tea spoons would be added/subtracted. In Adaptive filter theory, we like to call this specific number; step_size. This might help to reach the desired number of spices very quickly, but it might also lead to disaster, that is to say; we might never be able to find the correct number of spices if it is not multiple of 5. In that case we'd say that we couldn't converge, and at the end of the day, the soup would taste awful.
So, to be on safest side, the smallest possible step size should be chosen.
[Never mind if it takes more time]

Returning -
Tasting both soups gives us the difference in spices contained in them, or as we say in Adaptive Filtering terms; the error between the desired soup spices and our guess of spices.
So, our brain uses this error to make a rough guess about the amount of spices to be added in next step.
In Adaptive filters a formula acts as the "brain", thus providing us with the amount of spices to be added in next step.

How to tell your mother what are algorithms?

Compare it to a recipe.. An algorithm is made up of instructions that determine how to proceed step by step in seeking the answer to a question (or preparing a mouth-watering meal for instance).
In the computer world the important thing is to tackle all problems in the most efficient way possible, to find the solution in the quickest possible way. That's where algorithms come into play.

Oh n one more thing, never fret if your cooking experiment fails altogether, since algorithms are based upon falsifiable hypotheses anyway :p


Saturday, April 10, 2010

~ Basking in Bakery

Salam alaikum,

After praying Namaz e Jum'ah at Jam'e Masjid with a spiritually uplifting Adhaan & reciting Surah Al Kahf on youm al Jum'ah (Friday), we went down to the bakery to have some lunch, prior to heading upto the centuries old meteorite-crater site (its scoop later sometime, inshAllah).

The bakery is unique in its outlook, its stylish aura & ofcourse its family lounge :p

Nothing extraordinary, but the soft bread rampant in there, with its rich mouth-watering taste and crispy aroma, is the specialty which makes the wooden bakery stand out from rest of its contemporaries.

oh & there is an interesting story attributed to its origins too - much of it could be a fancy though, since its a Lebanese franchise so;

In a secluded well-covered nook & the en-girdling calm mood, the surroundings were well-lit in accordance with brunch timings;

We ordered some stuffed chicken burger & 'labna' sandwich, & side ordered cream coffee. Grainy textured fries & a gooey thick sauce were served as accompaniments.

A thing we specifically love in Muslim countries in contrast to europe.. you just go for any cuisine & Halal is exclusively abundant.. eat drink & be merry.

All in all we enjoyed our feast there, & got rejuvenated to head up to our next venture..

'AlhamduliLLAhi ladhi at'amanaa wa saqanaa wa ja'alnaa minal muslimeen'
[All praises & thankx to the One who fed us, & quenched our thirsts & made us among the Muslims]

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