Tuesday, April 20, 2010

~ Yawn

Salam alaikum,

Being a busy person does hinder one to delve deep into social matters at home or otherwise.
Nonetheless, it doesn't hamper one's observation altogether.

At these testing & kinda tug_of_war times on the globo-politico-sphere (& blogo-sphere), one gets particularly bemused at the common denominator & rampant redundant equations when one lends an ear to the (so called) voices of change.

Exceptions do exist - & naturally so - but generally speaking the common pattern is that the group of people most concerned/ outspoken/ going_out_of_their_way (& trousers for that matter) against establishment of Islam as_a_way_of_life & segregation are mostly expatriate christians, usually white blondes (married to rich saudi men), & almost always belonging to some village (or what's_its_name city) of far west.

The locals that join in the not_so_melodious noise band-wagon are mostly shias, usually disgruntled dissatisfied west-impressed youth, occasionally women.

interesting init?
yeah, you bet.

AlhamduliLLAh, I've traveled round the world (except for the far west ofocurse) & frankly enough whenever I go around any foreign country, I respect it's laws / taxes / people and never criticize their way_of_life or mock n make fun of them or their women's dressing yadayada, since I'm only a guest in that country.
And if I feel uncomfortable, I leave.. simple.

I can't simply fathom what's the dual-faced problematic hoopla all about?

Saudia this Saudia that !
Free-dom this Free-dom that.. blah blah yada yada .. yawn.

A befitting response would be - as someone rightly quoted;
"Westerners - get over it. Nobody ever died from gender segregation. Live with it or leave it."

Yeah, get over it already !
Yet as it seems, it takes a while for the poor lil cry_baby to grow up, after all.

I, for one, won't be insecure or even surprised if tomorrow people here go all co-ed, co-work, co-spa err.. co-sports, so on & so forth.
I mean, heck, even the Ottoman Caliphate degenerated into a miserable wimpy mundane mess.

But I won't, for a second, bi*ch about if the journey down the gravity hill ain't swift enough or smooth enough, as per "my" calculations or "my" estimation "my" whims or "my" criteria or "my" definition of human rights or "my" understanding of how certain people should act.

That's the difference - i hope - that sets me apart from whiners, as a mentally & spiritually stable well-focused (doc?) dude.

That said -
Seriously, plz get a life.. (& a real job in this country perhaps, besides wasting hours online regurgitating nauseating theories & remedies.)

And leave Muslim matters to us Muslims.. (its not like we owe you something or need your brains/ assistance/ culture/ your religion to figure things out here.)

Thank you & Good ridd..er.. night.


A Day Into The Life Of A Muslim Wife In Saudi Arabia; (part1)

And part 2


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