Its easy to play your way thru making your life easy, with some simple straight-forward no-nonsense trix.
Here I lay them out for you.
you might as well know many of 'em handy, but it never gets old.
1. Adding a Time stamp:
Want to share a specific part with someone?
Cut the chase and link to the interesting part by adding syntax #t=?m?s at the end of the url (where ? stands for the specific minute & second you want the clip to start off from.)
To wit;
a vid with a url
& at 34 seconds it has the thing you wanna share, then you'll tweak it like so;
2. Skipping to a specific minute:
Bored out yawning?
Just press any number on your keyboard & the vid slide bar will move a lil before that specific minute. To wit:
pressing 2 on my keyboard while watching the vid, lands me to 1 minute & 50ish secs or so.
2. Watch videos full screen:
Simply change delete the “watch?v=” part and replace it with “v/” instead.
To wit:
see what i did there?
Although there is another way - the popup way; but i've got no clue why people would ever like to go for that one, specially since it destroys the resolution by literally popping em pixels i mean.
Just add "_popup" in the url like so;
[Notice the resolution destruction to 280p.]
3. View High Res Videos:
Though you can switch to high quality videos for some of the videos anytime you want, by selecting the resolution options at the bottom right of the vid -- nonetheless, you can tweak the url for that purpose by appending “&fmt=18“(stereo, 480 x 270 resolution) or “&fmt=22″(stereo, 1280 x 720 resolution) for even higher quality.
2. Embed Higher Res Videos:
While the above trick works for playback, if however you want to embed hig quality vids to your blog for instance, you need to append “&ap=%2526fmt%3D18″ and “&ap=%2526fmt%3D22″ to the embeded url.
5. Embedding only a part of Vid?
Just add '&start=blabla' at the end of the url in embed code. blabla being the number of secs you wanna skip.
To wit; Appending ‘&start=30′ will skip first 30s of the video.
6. Autoplay an embedded video:
Make the video play automatically by adding ‘&autoplay=1′ to the url part of the embed code.
7. Loop an embedded video:
Append ‘&loop=1′ at the end of the url part of code, to make the video start again without user intervention after it reaches the end.
4. Hide the search box:
The search box appears when you hover over an embedded video. To hide the search box just add “&showsearch=0” to the embed url.
8. Disable Related Vids:
While embedding vids, the related vids suggestions that prop up at the end of the vid are sometimes pretty annoying.
Gnawing the annoying is not too hard though.
Simply adds ‘&rel=0′ at the end of the url, & VOILA !
You're done.
pretty neat gig. eh?
Guess its enough for today.
There are some other pretty neat tips & trix aswell.
Hope to find some more time out to jot those down from top of my head - when its in a somewhat better form, bub'logging [bubbling with blog ideas] that is.
Meanwhile, happy tweaking !