Cramming is demonized all around as a despicable lil duress to our greater conceptual clarity & development.
not that i'm saying no to its negation.. if u get what i mean :p
just that.. i think turning the toss coin would indeed help us see the exception to this generalization.
Down the line of years its usefulness has been downplayed by people from all walks of life, calling it the enemy of intellect.
I dare to defend the art_of_memorizing by mentioning few of its advantages here, leaving rest of the pros as a homework for the readers;
The first n foremost 'plus' is the ability to analyze a complex problem.
A complex equation / piece of code / text / poetry yada yada when stored and imprinted in our grey-mater... cooks, evolves and dis-solves.
Debugging codes, deriving mathematical derivations & similar tasks are greatly enhanced & improved by formulas-cramming capabilities.
The second merit is the ability to survive as a loner in tough world surrounding us.
This situation might arise out of misfortunes (i.e. sudden change of HQ's) or mishaps (e.g., crashed HDD) etc.
Infact, I've witnessed a genius friend of mine re-producing, in a jiffy, the lost C-code for a video-standard which he had been writing for past few weeks, with the deadline looming large and the hard-disk that got all phuff into hot smokes.
moral pretty much would be;
- next time you meet a crammer.. don't get all grumpy about it & avoid tripping.
- steer clear of broad generalizations in branding all part-time crammers as counter-productive.