Thursday, July 15, 2010

~ M-ary Constellations

Salam alaik,

M-ary Phase shift keying (PSK) is not only simple but mathematically elegant too.

The symbol values are the Mth root of unity & is given like so:

exp(j.2.\pi.m/M), where m = 0, ..., M-1.

Use the same expression in MATLAB with a bit of rotation for fun :p

% the number of constellation points
M = 16;
m = 0:M-1;

% obtaining the constellation points with pi/M rotation
PSK_16 = exp(j*2*pi*m/M - j*pi/M);

Here is the plot I quickly designed; the Mth roots of unity with rotation..

Try out this 'M-ary_Quadrature_Amplitude_Modulated_Constellation' construction for yourself, & lemme know how good you go.

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